Sunday, May 6, 2012

A 5k with a 4.9 mile warmup

Yesterday was my first time to run 8 miles. I'm training for a half-marathon, so my runs will continue to get longer. I just focused on getting through one mile at a time. It was a beautiful morning for a long run even though the West Texas wind was blowing like crazy. As I ran around the high school in Sweetwater, I thought about how many times I ran the same roads around the school. I tried thinking about what I was like back then, and came to the conclusion that I don't even know who that person is anymore. That is another perk of running. It gives you alone time to think, plan, and reflect.

After about mile 5, my legs really started to loosen up, and it became easier to keep propelling myself along. I know that sounds crazy, but it is true. At mile 5 I stopped for a few minutes, walked around, and drank a half bottle of water. Hydration is important, especially on long runs. For me I have found that it is a good idea to hydrate about every 30 minutes. The last 3 miles were a breeze compared to the first 5.

I'm excited to start another week.

Monday - 4 miles
Tuesday - 6 miles
Thursday - 3 miles
Saturday - 8 miles

This past week I convinced my husband to sign up for his second race, which will actually be his first race.

On May 18, we are going to run in a Relay for Life fundraiser here in San Angelo. I'm going to do the 5k and Brandon will do a 1.5 mile run. 

Words of Wisdom: Use your running time as "me-time." I plan my day or the next day, I think about my goals, and reflect on my past and how far I've come. I think about my next run and set goals for that run. Anything that is bothering me or a stress in my life I think about during this time, and let it go. My running time has become my alone time and something that I look forward to. After my run I can focus on everything else that I need to do.

Quote of the Day: “Success isn't how far yougot, but the distance you traveled from where you started.” (I don't know who said it)

Positive Side Effects: Alone time that you don't really have to fight for. Lets face it, you go run 3,8,10 miles...who is really going to want to go with you? 

Total Mileage: 168.20

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