Thursday, July 12, 2012

Running..A True Companion

Something I have learned about running is that it always gives back. It listens to your heart, propels your body along, and clears your mind. Running is always there to listen to your feelings when others aren't or don't understand. I found out yesterday, the more stressed, hurt, and upset I am, the better my run. When my world is flooded with emotions, I just lace up my Brooks, put my ear buds in, and start pounding the pavement. With each step I take, I feel my legs begin to loosen up, my breathing regulate itself, and pure happiness flow through my body. Crazy, right?

Yesterday, was a day just like any other day. Worked all day, had lunch with some co-workers, put promotional materials together, marked things off in my planner. There was nothing different about my day, it pretty much just rocked along smoothly. I went to the gym and did an upper body workout and then ran 1 boring mile on the treadmill. As a side note, treadmill running is for the bird, and not this Bird.

Somewhere between dinner and driving home I started having this overwhelming feeling of wanting to cry, kick and scream. I walked in my house grabbed my arm band, set my phone, stuck my earbuds in and set out. It was already 8 o'clock, so I knew I only had about an hour to run before it got dark. Normally, when I set out to run I have a distance in mind. Yesterday, I didn't know how far I would run.. .5, 1, 2, 10 miles..I didn't know. All I knew was that I just wanted needed to run. I ended up at 5 miles with a few minutes of daylight left, and felt like I could have run 20.

I'm still not 100% emotionally okay, but running is an outlet for me. In the past when I would get those overwhelming feelings, I would just shut down. Literally, just lounge around, eat and do nothing. Running keeps me going.

Words of Wisdom: Find something to be your emotional outlet other than people. So often when people get emotional they take it out on the ones they love. Running, pounding the pavement, keeps me centered and focused, and gives me time to de-stress without taking it out on those around me.

Quote of the Day: "Everyone who has run knows that its most important value is in removing tension and allowing a release from whatever other cares the day may bring" - Jimmy Carter

Positive Side Effects: Free Psychiatric Care

Total Mileage:  292.02

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