Wednesday, July 25, 2012

300 Miles and Counting

Hey running world! So I have officially passed the 300 mile mark. I have been a terrible blogger, but have had a lot going on in my world that I'm trying to sort through, so I do well to even get out there and run. I recently joined a gym so I could continue training like I need to for a half-marathon, but running on the treadmill is just so dang boring.

The company I work for instituted a "Live Healthier" campaign, so everyone that I work with is trying to work out and be healthier. This past Monday we played in a basketball game against JV boys. I haven't touched a basketball in 9 years, but I didn't do too shabby. However, as in shape as I am, my body is aching. I went for a short 2 miler yesterday to loosen up, and it was agony the entire way.

Words of Wisdom: I have no words of wisdom for this post. My mind, heart, and body are all drained.

Quote of the Day: "Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those be well-tried before you give them your confidence" - George Washington - What a great reminder on how to pick your friends!

Positive Side Effects: Running is an outlet for anything!

Total Mileage: 306.05


  1. Way to go, Brit! I really admire your self determination and drive. It's all I can do to just make myself get out and walk a mile or two (pregnant or not!). I'm sorry your body is aching...but I know it's worth it in the long run!

  2. Thanks Britt. My body isn't aching from the running, thank goodness. It is from the torturous 30 minutes of basketball against 14-16 year old boys. HA!
